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How Are You ?

 Hi, Everyone!

It's been a very long long days I wrote a post in my blogspot. It's more than 2 years since my last post on October 2020. So, why it took that long until I update in here again ? It's because so many happen in my life for 2 years. 2020 is suck for everyone in the world, but actually God gave me a miracle. 

Due to pandemic, my husband finally came back to Indonesia for good, its difficult decision for him cause he already settled in Malaysia, we even already prepared for Permanent Residence Registration but Covid 19 Pandemic happened. He couldn't go anywhere, full isolation in there and also Indonesia. We didn't met for 5 months including Ied Fitri, so he decided to resign and go back to here to meet me and our family. Thanks God, he got a very good offered to work in Indonesia, so we didn't lost anything. 

He came back in early July 2020, so we celebrated my birthday together in our small apartment. We worked in same company but different project. It's still pandemic so we still work from home, and I was happy because finally we stop the Long Distance Married. 

Another Good News Came, I got pregnant and we found out at November 2020. Long story short, we moved to my Mother in Law's House for 8 months. And then I gave a birth to the most handsome boy on Earth in July 2021. After that, I moved to my Mom's House for 10 months. 

source :

Right now, I already back to My Mother in Law's House with my son. My son already 17 months, and I love him, he is a miracle to us. We also already work from office and everything already back to normal. 

So should I wrote about baby relative stuff in here ? Maybe we will find out. 




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